It’s a Family Affair at Ambresbury Lodge No. 5099 as Father Installs Son

Loughton Masonic Centre was the venue for a very special Father and Son Installation meeting

On the 3rd February 2024, Loughton Masonic Centre was the venue for a very special occasion at Ambresbury Lodge No. 5099 as they Installed their new Worshipful Master.

The outgoing Master, Ivor Middleburg opened the lodge and greeted a busy Temple. The Worshipful Master then invited Mick Behan to occupy the Chair and Install his son, the Master Elect, Patrick, into the Chair of King Solomon, which he did with aplomb.

Worshipful Brother Mick was ably supported by Dave Miller, ADC throughout. The Working Tools were excellently explained by Degree by Richard Sage, Neil Armstrong and Wayne Hickey. The Past Master delivered the Address to the Master, Trevor Armstrong delivered the Address to the Wardens and Mick Behan the Address to the Brethren of the Lodge.

A splendid festive board ensued where the raffle raised a fantastic £230.00. A very enjoyable day was had by one and all, made all the more memorable by a very proud father Installing his son.


Top: Patrick and Mick Behan surrounded by participants at the Installation meeting