From Romania to Chelmsford – Little Edi Foundation continued support

When Tess Griggs first saw little Edi in Romania nearly 20 years ago, little did she know that this would lead to the support of 75 families in Chelmsford. 

When Tess Griggs first saw little Edi in Romania nearly 20 years ago, little did she know that this would lead to the support of 75 families in Chelmsford. Tess, set up, the Little Edi Foundation, formally in 2016 and since then has gone on to support families with educational, family, food and many other support projects.

In 2022 the Little Edi Foundation received a grant from the Masonic Charitable Foundation of £6,000 and last week received a further £500 from Essex Freemasons through the Burntwood Lodge (The Charity Stewards Lodge.)

Tess said, “This money will be used to purchase a new freezer unit where the team will be able to store meat products before donating them to the families in food parcels. Donations like this really help us to continue our support of families and goes a long way towards the annual funding for the year.”

Chris Hicks, Provincial Grand Charity Steward of Essex, said, “This is a small, local and very efficient charity with hard workers, in a very important area of the County. They are part of our community support projects and is one we will continue to monitor and support.”

Also, at the meeting £100 was donated to Guide Dogs UK.


Photo L-R:

Chris Hicks, Deb McLaren, Tess Griggs, Colin Felton and ‘Betty’ in front