A Centenary and a Banner dedication at United chapter

After 2 cancelled meetings in 2022 the Companions of United Chapter were able to celebrate their Centenary and dedicate their banner.

Once the Chapter had been opened by the Principals, the acting MEZ, E.Comp. Michael Howarth agreed for the Provincial team to enter and take their respective places. The DepMEGS E.Comp. Elliott Chevin taking the 1st Principals Chair instructed the veiled banner to enter the Chapter.

The 3rd Provincial Grand Principal, E,Comp John Hubbard, then proceeded to dedicate the banner for use by the United Chapter. He then explained the significance of banners in general, in the RA and the United banner in particular.
The banner was then placed in its rightful position in the Temple.
The Chapter then moved onto its second milestone, that of celebrating its belated centenary.
The DepMEGS asked for the Charter to be read celebrating the significance of the Chapter in the Colchester.

The Companions were able to proudly wear their centenary jewels.
E.Comp. Mark Davies gave a brief history of the Chapter and its connection to the area including the garrison. A fuller history was available for each Companion at the Festive Board which was greatly appreciated by all.
The Chapter was closed and all retired for a superb banquet.

At the Festive Board the copper gavel which was presented by E.Comp. Alf Garner, is still being used by the MEZ.
The 1st Principal was also delighted to donate a cheque of £3k for the Festival which was greatly received by the DepMEGS and the Chapters APGP, E.Comp. David Wilson.
E.Comp. Paul Humphreys also presented , for display, 4 Founders jewels, 2 for Principals and 2 for Lay Companions. One of which was for his Great Great Uncle E.Comp. Thomas Ralling.

The Chapter have celebrated a significant milestone but have no desire to rest of their laurels.
As DepMEGS commented, "United in name, united in nature".