Stanford-le-Hope Chapter 75th Anniversary - Let's Draw a Veil Over That

On Saturday 12th February 2022, Stanford-le-Hope Chapter celebrated its 75th Anniversary, just a year late.

The three Principals: Stephen Stock, MEZ; Ashley Coleridge, H; and Peter Moss, J. welcomed the Essex Provincial Demonstration Team and over fifty members, guests and visitors who all enjoyed an impressive Ceremony of the Veils.

Being Scribe E of the Chapter for many years, Jon Oliver, had ready access to the Chapter historical documents, not the least of which was the Charter. On inspection, he found that the Chapter had been Consecrated within a few days of his own appearance on Earth. This inspired Jon to go for a significant event - yes - the Ceremony of the Veils, that luxurious and once a year only demonstration by the Provincial Demonstration Team. Unfortunately Covid got in the way.

Undeterred, permission was granted. As an Anniversary, an Official Visit was declared. Help for the Meeting was received from David Awcock, the Chapter Treasurer, and David Butcher of St George's Chapter No. 4117 as photographer.

The Chapter was pleased to receive and welcome Excellent Companions Elliott Chevin, DepGrandSupt; John Hubbard, 3rdProvGP; John Crudgington, APGP; and Martin Cook, APGP who were escorted by Ralph Ankers, DepGDC. The Ceremony was conducted by E.Comp Roger Davis with poise and dignity. You could have heard a pin drop, unlike at the festive board where frivolity and camaraderie were the order. 

On giving his Address, E.Comp Elliott made reference to the absorbed silence during the Ceremony and referred to the enthusiasm of the Companions at the festive board. The event was topped with a handsome donation, firstly to the Demonstration Team, then to the DepGSupt and finally to E.Comp Martin Cook for the Festival. Who says cheques don't bounce!

A great Ceremony and a great Anniversary.


At their February Convocation Pyefleet Chapter Exalted two Companions to complete their journey in Pure Antient Masonry. 

Matthew Gaskin and Nicholas Savin were treated to a word-perfect ceremony by the 1st Principal, John Wilmot ably assisted by the Principal Sojourner Andy Hardie. Graham Giddy explained the signs and Paul Skiffington treated the Companions to the Historical Lecture.

Pyefleet Chapter is named after a tributory of the Blackwater and was significant in the production of the local oyster business. The Chapter, amongst others, takes Exaltees from Pyefleet Lodge and a London Lodge called Stone Squarers.
The APGP, David Wilson, who was in attendance, also had the pleasure of presenting a Vice Patron Certificate for the Festival 2022.
David said that he was delighted to have presented the Certificate and that Chapters sometime need to look outside of their immediate locality to survive.

In the picture can be seen the Principals along with the Chapter's new Companions.