The Membership Pathway Scheme brings in new exaltee

Frederick Leistikow Chapter celebrates another milestone in the Province for the Membership Pathway

On Saturday 16th September 2023, the Frederick Leistikow Chapter No. 9143 held an emergency meeting and its first ever, daylight meeting at the Maldon Masonic centre.

The purpose of the meeting was to exalt John Connolly a direct applicant through the Member Pathway Scheme.

John was initiated into the Manor of Newland Lodge No. 6403 during October 2021, and soon became an asset to the lodge. He was passed and finally raised during October 2022.

John is thoroughly enjoying his journey through Freemasonry so far, and today completed that journey by joining the Royal Arch. You could say a new ‘chapter’ has opened for Companion John who is looking forward to many more years ahead.

Simon Lockwood, Provincial Deputy Group Membership Officer was in attendance to witness a first-class exaltation ceremony.

The Frederick Leistikow Chapter continues to grow being regularly supported by visitors and also on this occasion benefiting from the successful Membership Pathway scheme.


Top: New Exaltee, John Connolly with Ray Quiddington, Provincial GMO, Simon Lockwood, Deputy Provincial GMO for Essex North 1, and members of Fredrick Leistikow Chapter